050 | 5 Minimalist Decluttering Methods

We enjoy contemplating decluttering and organizing, but we don’t always enjoy doing it.

Minimalist Decluttering Methods - Minimalist Case

Decluttering should be done regularly, but most of us don't have the time to rationalize and reorganize our drawers, cluttered nooks and over-stuffed rooms daily. Decluttering a full house so you can implement your home organizing ideas can appear to be an enormous task, but if you approach at a time and bit by bit and invest in some good storage ideas, it quickly becomes manageable.

01 - Get a Proper Home Decluttering Time

If you do not have a lot of belongings, you might be able to declutter your home in a single day or over the weekend. You might even design a longer timeline, such as decluttering your house in 30 days. If you like, you might arrange a decluttering timetable based solely on the weekends you have in a month.

Maintain realistic and attainable goals so that you can declutter your house without feeling overwhelmed. Divide the areas to be decluttered into sections and estimate how much time each one will take. Then incorporate those into the fixed timeline you have made.

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02 - Bedroom Decluttering

First and foremost, make your bed and at the same time it is difficult to make any progress clearing a bedroom when an unmade stares you down. Begin with the nightstands, remove everything that does not belong on them and place it in your trash can. This might contain books you have already read, paper and pens and mail. Throw away or discard anything that is no longer of use such as tissue boxes that are too empty, pens or charger cables that are no longer for use.

03 - Bathroom Decluttering

Decluttering your bathroom is an essential step towards embracing a minimalist lifestyle. Imagine stepping into a serene oasis with clean lines and only the essentials beautifully organized; it can be such a peaceful moment! 

Remove everything and discard any expired prescriptions, cosmetics or skin care products. Replace everything you are keeping in the cabinet right away, keeping the items you use the most frequently at eye level. Repeat the process with your shower/tub and finally take everything out from beneath your bathroom sink and declutter it.

Sort through your collection of skincare products, makeup items and keep what truly brings you joy while discarding anything that serves no purpose or doesn't align with your current needs. Embrace clever storage solutions like drawer dividers or wall-mounted shelves to maximize space efficiency without sacrificing style. Remember, starting small but consistent efforts will lead you on a path towards achieving a clutter-free paradise bathed in minimalistic bliss!

04 - Clean up  Your Closet

OK, take a deep breath! It's time to clean out your wardrobe and the simplest way to do so is to first sort your clothes by kind. That begins with boots, then shoes, dresses, jeans and so on. When you can see your whole collection at once, deciding whether to throw or keep a pair of clothes becomes a lot easier. So start by picking out various types of clothing and deciding what to dump and what to retain.

05 - Decluttering Your Work from Home Space

So, let's dive right into the wonderful world of WFH decluttering and living minimalism. Picture this: you're in your cozy home office, surrounded by a serene ambiance that allows your creativity to flow effortlessly. Sounds enticing, doesn't it? Well, here's why decluttering your working space and embracing a minimalist lifestyle can make this dream become a reality.

Decluttering Workspace - Minimalist Case

By eliminating unnecessary clutter from your surroundings, you create an environment conducive to enhanced focus and productivity. Think about it – when everything has its place and there are no distractions vying for your attention, you'll find yourself effortlessly immersed in deep work sessions. 

Plus, embracing minimalism isn't only beneficial for productivity, but also brings forth a sense of tranquility and peace to help you maintain a healthy work-life balance.

You don’t have to own a brand-new things to start minimalist living intention, just declutter the present space, and you’ll find more peaceful of daily simple living forsure.

So go ahead and weave some magic into your WFH journey by decluttering with gusto—we promise the results will be simply awe-inspiring!

Desk Decluttering - Minimalist Case

Well, here are my top 5 minimalism home decluttering starter guides. By getting rid of unused or unnecessary stuff from your home space, you will find your mind is getting more tiny and cozy. Cluttered-free home enables the family members to be healthy from the inside since the air flow is good, no bad smell, and the whole house looks better. 

Share with us what you have to do when starting to declutter your own space? Your opinion is valuable for our community!


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