013 | Digital Overload? 5 Social Media Detox Tips

Are you feeling overwhelmed by social media? Do you find yourself spending too much time scrolling through your feeds, comparing yourself to others, and feeling stressed? If so, it may be time for a social media detox challenge.

A social media detox challenge is a period of time where you abstain from using social media. This can be for a few days, a week, or even a month. The goal of a social media detox is to give yourself a break from the constant stimulation of social media and to focus on your own mental health and well-being.

the benefits of social media detoxing

That's where a “social media detox” comes in! This process involves taking a break from all forms of social media to rejuvenate your mind and soul. The idea of social media detox might seem like a laborious task, but you will be surprised to find out how the process can make you feel better almost instantly!

In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of social media detox and provide you with a handy checklist to make the process easier for you! So let's dive right into it!

The Benefit of Digital Detox?

Social media detox is the act of taking a break from all social media platforms for a specific period, typically ranging from several days to weeks. The goal is to reduce dependence on technology and take time to focus on other aspects of life.

how to start social media detox

01 - Improved Mental Health

Social media can have a negative impact on your mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. A social media detox can help to improve your mental health by reducing stress and giving you a chance to focus on yourself and your relationships.

02 - Increased Productivity

When you're not constantly checking your social media feeds, you'll have more time to focus on your work, studies, and hobbies.

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03 - Promote a Better Sleep

The blue light from electronic devices screen emitted from electronic devices can interfere with sleep. A social media detox can help you to get a better night's sleep by reducing your exposure to blue light before bed.

04 - Increased Self-esteem

When you're not distracted by social media, you'll have more time to reflect on your thoughts and feelings. This can help you to better understand yourself and what you want in life.

2-Week-Social Media Detox Challenge!

In this section, we’re going to talk about what we can do as a social media detox challenge. Remember to start with just a little things to prevent yourself from tiredness. Rome wasn't built in one day. So your new good habit will take time, but it’s worth it.  

Day 1

Tell your friends, and family about this dedication. Having them know in advance why you late respond to their messages. In case of an emergency, ask them to directly call you. 

Self esteem

Detoxing from social media promotes embracing youeself with your mind

Day 2

Delete social media accounts. Digital detox is a way to stay away from digital distraction on your overall productivity. Digital detox doesn’t mean you’ll say goodbye from your connection, but get time to refresh and stop from being addicted to what’s unproductive.

Day 3

Try new outdoor activities. Go for a short walk. Visit a park. Visit a nearby event as you are interested.

Day 4

Declutter your working space to increase more productivity. Consider these productivity hacks to get your productive work station.

  • Declutter unused stationery, notebook, and paper

  • Get some green with artificial plant

  • Get a proper hydration with fresh clean water

  • Set your computer and other electronic devices 

Day 5

Get a book reading list and stick with it. Declutter your bookshelf to donate some books or buy new ones that fit the current interest.

Check out the latest recommendation book here.

Day 6

Get a capsule wardrobe by minimalist decluttering your closet. A minimalist person also loves fashion, but they know what to wear while combining color, style and seasons.

Set 1-3 hours a day to rethink your current closet. Donate or exchange with your friends or family and get a minimalist capsule wardrobe soon. 

Day 7

Go for a day date with your loved friends, family. Dating isn’t specific with a couple! Spending quality time with your people is a very joyful activity with less investment. Just drive them to a nearby eating, event, or visit your relative. Have a small talk at home. Cooking or baking. Enjoying the time with the real people is enough.

You’ll undestand the benefit of having quality friends

Day 8

Try practicing mindfulness or yoga to refresh your mind. Get some 15 to 20-minute-session to do so at the comfort of your home. There are a lot of beginners reasons out there on the internet.

Day 9

Starting a digital bullet journal is another good way to stay on track with yourself. Bullet journal promotes self-esteem, self-awareness by reflecting your thoughts and help you plan ahead what’s matter in your next days.

Get GoodNotes 6 today and start a good note-taking habit with a bullet journal

Day 10

Practice new skills while staying away from social media. Are there any new things you want to learn? E.g. calligraphy, cooking, foreign languages, etc. 

Of course, you can’t master these new skills overnight, but when you’re enjoying it, you’ll never think of checking social media updates. 

Learning new skill as a digital detox - minimalist case

Better sleep benefits to better life

Day 11

Reviewing your financial health, investment, and retirement plan. Check if something needs to be adjusted. Rebalancing your investment portfolio along the current economic trends. Setting up your retirement plan if you haven’t got one yet. 

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Financial adjustment skill is called an adult skill everyone should master. 

what to invest your money - minimalist case

Day 12

Setup proper notification for social media before backing them. The iPhone allows the user to set up different focus modes to suit their needs. For me, I have 5 different events to focus on. Each of them is set to a different notification.

When I want to work, I set it as ‘Work’. This focus allows calls from selected people, and notification from selected apps. Of course, no social media notification in this focus.

To set up focus on your iPhone, simply go to Setting, scroll down to Focus, and adjust as your preference. 

Day 13

Unfollow useless pages, toxic topics, people. This could include accounts that promote unrealistic beauty standards, accounts that make you feel jealous, or accounts that constantly post negative news

Day 14

Allow yourself a set time a day to check your social media account. E.g. 2 hours after work, 30 minutes before bed. Stick with this rule and you’ll never be a social media addict anymore.


After 14 days of social media detox challenge, we’re sure you discover new interesting things to do instead of checking or keep uploading to social media.

A social media detox can do wonders for one's mental health and overall well-being. By taking a break from the constant stimulation of social media, you can rediscover their sense of self-worth, connect with loved ones on a deeper level. Additionally, by conquering feelings of FOMO and competitiveness that are often amplified through social media use, individuals may find themselves feeling more content with their own lives.

social media detox benefits pros

If you're interested in trying out a social media detox for yourself, refer to the checklist provided above as a starting point. You'll be well on your way towards finding balance in both your online and offline life!


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